
nDMaterial('ManzariDafalias', matTag, G0, nu, e_init, Mc, c, lambda_c, e0, ksi, P_atm, m, h0, ch, nb, A0, nd, z_max, cz, Den)

This command is used to construct a multi-dimensional Manzari-Dafalias(2004) material.

matTag (int) integer tag identifying material
G0 (float) shear modulus constant
nu (float) poisson ratio
e_init (float) initial void ratio
Mc (float) critical state stress ratio
c (float) ratio of critical state stress ratio in extension and compression
lambda_c (float) critical state line constant
e0 (float) critical void ratio at p = 0
ksi (float) critical state line constant
P_atm (float) atmospheric pressure
m (float) yield surface constant (radius of yield surface in stress ratio space)
h0 (float) constant parameter
ch (float) constant parameter
nb (float) bounding surface parameter, \(nb \ge 0\)
A0 (float) dilatancy parameter
nd (float) dilatancy surface parameter \(nd \ge 0\)
z_max (float) fabric-dilatancy tensor parameter
cz (float) fabric-dilatancy tensor parameter
Den (float) mass density of the material

The material formulations for the ManzariDafalias object are:

  • 'ThreeDimensional'
  • 'PlaneStrain'

See also here


Dafalias YF, Manzari MT. “Simple plasticity sand model accounting for fabric change effects”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 2004