4.6.4. Triangular TimeSeriesΒΆ

timeSeries('Triangle', tag, tStart, tEnd, period, '-factor', factor=1.0, '-shift', shift=0.0, '-zeroShift', zeroShift=0.0)

This command is used to construct a TimeSeries object in which the load factor is some triangular function of the time in the domain.

\[\begin{split}\lambda = f(t) = \begin{cases} slope*k*period+zeroShift, & k < 0.25\\ cFactor-slope*(k-0.25)*period+zeroShift, & k < 0.75\\ -cFactor+slope*(k-0.75)*period+zeroShift, & k < 1.0\\ 0.0, & otherwise \end{cases}\end{split}\]
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}slope = \frac{cFactor}{period/4}\\k = \frac{t+\phi-tStart}{period}-floor(\frac{t+\phi-tStart}{period})\\\phi = shift - \frac{zeroShift}{slope}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
tag (int) unique tag among TimeSeries objects.
tStart (float) Starting time of non-zero load factor.
tEnd (float) Ending time of non-zero load factor.
period (float) Characteristic period of sine wave.
shift (float) Phase shift in radians. (optional)
factor (float) Load factor. (optional)
zeroShift (float) Zero shift. (optional)