4.12.11. UserHingeΒΆ

beamIntegration('UserHinge', tag, secETag, npL, *secsLTags, *locsL, *wtsL, npR, *secsRTags, *locsR, *wtsR)

Create a UserHinge beamIntegration object.

tag (int) tag of the beam integration
secETag (int) A previous-defined section objects for non-hinge area.
npL (int) number of integration points along the left hinge.
secsLTags (list (int)) A list of previous-defined section objects for left hinge area.
locsL (list (float)) A list of locations of integration points for left hinge area.
wtsL (list (float)) A list of weights of integration points for left hinge area.
npR (int) number of integration points along the right hinge.
secsRTags (list (int)) A list of previous-defined section objects for right hinge area.
locsR (list (float)) A list of locations of integration points for right hinge area.
wtsR (list (float)) A list of weights of integration points for right hinge area.
tag = 1
secE = 5

npL = 2
secsL = [1,2]
locsL = [0.1,0.2]
wtsL = [0.5,0.5]

npR = 2
secsR = [3,4]
locsR = [0.8,0.9]
wtsR = [0.5,0.5]
