Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Gap MaterialΒΆ

uniaxialMaterial('ElasticPPGap', matTag, E, Fy, gap, eta=0.0, damage='noDamage')

This command is used to construct an elastic perfectly-plastic gap uniaxial material object.

matTag (int) integer tag identifying material
E (float) tangent
Fy (float) stress or force at which material reaches plastic state
gap (float) initial gap (strain or deformation)
eta (float) hardening ratio (=Eh/E), which can be negative
damage (str) an optional string to specify whether to accumulate damage or not in the material. With the default string, 'noDamage' the gap material will re-center on load reversal. If the string 'damage' is provided this recentering will not occur and gap will grow.

See also
