
nDMaterial('BoundingCamClay', matTag, massDensity, C, bulkMod, OCR, mu_o, alpha, lambda, h, m)

This command is used to construct a multi-dimensional bounding surface Cam Clay material object after Borja et al. (2001).

matTag (int) integer tag identifying material
massDensity (float) mass density
C (float) ellipsoidal axis ratio (defines shape of ellipsoidal loading/bounding surfaces)
bulkMod (float) initial bulk modulus
OCR (float) overconsolidation ratio
mu_o (float) initial shear modulus
alpha (float) pressure-dependency parameter for modulii (greater than or equal to zero)
lambda (float) soil compressibility index for virgin loading
h (float) hardening parameter for plastic response inside of bounding surface (if h = 0, no hardening)
m (float) hardening parameter (exponent) for plastic response inside of bounding surface (if m = 0, only linear hardening)

The material formulations for the BoundingCamClay object are:

  • 'ThreeDimensional'
  • 'PlaneStrain'

See also for information