
nDMaterial('PressureDependMultiYield02', matTag, nd, rho, refShearModul, refBulkModul, frictionAng, peakShearStra, refPress, pressDependCoe, PTAng, contrac[0], contrac[2], dilat[0], dilat[2], noYieldSurf=20.0, *yieldSurf=[], contrac[1]=5.0, dilat[1]=3.0, *liquefac=[1.0,0.0],e=0.6, *params=[0.9, 0.02, 0.7, 101.0], c=0.1)

PressureDependMultiYield02 material is modified from PressureDependMultiYield material, with:

  1. additional parameters (contrac[2] and dilat[2]) to account for \(K_{\sigma}\) effect,
  2. a parameter to account for the influence of previous dilation history on subsequent contraction phase (contrac[1]), and
  3. modified logic related to permanent shear strain accumulation (liquefac[0] and liquefac[1]).
matTag (int) integer tag identifying material
nd (float) Number of dimensions, 2 for plane-strain, and 3 for 3D analysis.
rho (float) Saturated soil mass density.
refShearModul (float) (\(G_r\)) Reference low-strain shear modulus, specified at a reference mean effective confining pressure refPress of p’r (see below).
refBulkModul (float) (\(B_r\)) Reference bulk modulus, specified at a reference mean effective confining pressure refPress of p’r (see below).
frictionAng (float) (\(phi\)) Friction angle at peak shear strength in degrees, optional (default is 0.0).
peakShearStra (float) (\(\gamma_{max}\)) An octahedral shear strain at which the maximum shear strength is reached, specified at a reference mean effective confining pressure refPress of p’r (see below).
refPress (float) (\(p'_r\)) Reference mean effective confining pressure at which \(G_r\), \(B_r\), and \(\gamma_{max}\) are defined, optional (default is 100. kPa).
pressDependCoe (float)

(\(d\)) A positive constant defining variations of \(G\) and \(B\) as a function of instantaneous effective confinement \(p'\) (default is 0.0)



If \(\phi=0\), \(d\) is reset to 0.0.

PTAng (float) (\(\phi_{PT}\)) Phase transformation angle, in degrees.
contrac[2] (float) A non-negative constant reflecting \(K_\sigma\) effect.
dilat[2] (float) A non-negative constant reflecting \(K_\sigma\) effect.
contrac[1] (float) A non-negative constant reflecting dilation history on contraction tendency.
liquefac[0] (float) Damage parameter to define accumulated permanent shear strain as a function of dilation history. (Redefined and different from PressureDependMultiYield material).
liquefac[1] (float) Damage parameter to define biased accumulation of permanent shear strain as a function of load reversal history. (Redefined and different from PressureDependMultiYield material).
c (float) Numerical constant (default value = 0.1 kPa)

See also notes