4.16.7. RCCircular SectionΒΆ

section('RCCircularSection', secTag, coreMatTag, coverMatTag, steelMatTag, d, cover_depth, Ab, NringsCore, NringsCover, Nwedges, Nsteel, '-GJ', GJ <or '-torsion', matTag>)

This command allows the user to construct an RCCircularSection object, which is an encapsulated fiber representation of a circular reinforced concrete section with core and confined regions of concrete.

secTag (int)

unique section tag

coreMatTag (int)

tag of uniaxialMaterial assigned to each fiber in the core region

coverMatTag (int)

tag of uniaxialMaterial assigned to each fiber in the cover region

steelMatTag (int)

tag of uniaxialMaterial assigned to each reinforcing bar

d (float)

section radius

cover_depth (float)

cover depth (assumed uniform around perimeter)

Ab (float)

area of each reinforcing bar

NringsCore (int)

number of fiber rings in the core

NringsCover (int)

number of fiber rings in the cover

Nwedges (int)

number of fiber wedges for the section

Nsteel (int)

number of reinforcing bars

GJ (float)

secton torsional stiffness

matTag (int)

tag of uniaxialMaterial assigned to section torsion response


One of the -GJ or the -torsion inputs is required

For more general reinforced concrete section definitions, use the Fiber Section command.