4.15. nDMaterial commands

nDMaterial(matType, matTag, *matArgs)

This command is used to construct an NDMaterial object which represents the stress-strain relationship at the gauss-point of a continuum element.

matType (str)

material type

matTag (int)

material tag.

matArgs (list)

a list of material arguments, must be preceded with *.

For example,

matType = 'ElasticIsotropic'
matTag = 1
matArgs = [E, v]
nDMaterial(matType, matTag, *matArgs)

4.15.1. Standard Models

The following contain information about available matType:

  1. ElasticIsotropic

  2. ElasticOrthotropic

  3. J2Plasticity

  4. DruckerPrager

  5. PlaneStress

  6. PlaneStrain

  7. MultiaxialCyclicPlasticity

  8. BoundingCamClay

  9. PlateFiber

  10. FSAM

  11. ManzariDafalias

  12. PM4Sand

  13. PM4Silt

  14. StressDensityModel

  15. AcousticMedium

4.15.2. Tsinghua Sand Models

  1. CycLiqCP

  2. CycLiqCPSP

4.15.3. Materials for Modeling Concrete Walls

  1. PlateFromPlaneStress

  2. PlateRebar

  3. PlasticDamageConcretePlaneStress

4.15.4. Contact Materials for 2D and 3D

  1. ContactMaterial2D

  2. ContactMaterial3D

4.15.5. Wrapper material for Initial State Analysis

  1. InitialStateAnalysisWrapper

  2. Initial Stress Material

  3. Initial Strain Material

4.15.6. UC San Diego soil models

  1. PressureIndependMultiYield

  2. PressureDependMultiYield

  3. PressureDependMultiYield02

  4. PressureDependMultiYield03

4.15.7. UC San Diego Saturated Undrained soil

  1. FluidSolidPorousMaterial