
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete01WithSITC', matTag, fpc, epsc0, fpcu, epsU, endStrainSITC=0.01)

This command is used to construct a modified uniaxial Kent-Scott-Park concrete material object with degraded linear unloading/reloading stiffness according to the work of Karsan-Jirsa and no tensile strength. The modification is to model the effect of Stuff In The Cracks (SITC).

matTag (int)

integer tag identifying material

fpc (float)

concrete compressive strength at 28 days (compression is negative)

epsc0 (float)

concrete strain at maximum strength

fpcu (float)

concrete crushing strength

epsU (float)

concrete strain at crushing strength

endStrainSITC (float)

optional, default = 0.03


  1. Compressive concrete parameters should be input as negative values (if input as positive, they will be converted to negative internally).

  2. The initial slope for this model is (2*fpc/epsc0)

See also
