SelfCentering MaterialΒΆ

uniaxialMaterial('SelfCentering', matTag, k1, k2, sigAct, beta, epsSlip=0, epsBear=0, rBear=k1)

This command is used to construct a uniaxial self-centering (flag-shaped) material object with optional non-recoverable slip behaviour and an optional stiffness increase at high strains (bearing behaviour).

matTag (int)

integer tag identifying material

k1 (float)

Initial Stiffness

k2 (float)

Post-Activation Stiffness (0< k2``<   ``k1)

sigAct (float)

Forward Activation Stress/Force

beta (float)

Ratio of Forward to Reverse Activation Stress/Force

epsSlip (float)

slip Strain/Deformation (if epsSlip = 0, there will be no slippage)

epsBear (float)

Bearing Strain/Deformation (if epsBear = 0, there will be no bearing)

rBear (float)

Ratio of Bearing Stiffness to Initial Stiffness k1

See also
