
nDMaterial('PM4Sand', matTag, D_r, G_o, h_po, Den, P_atm, h_o, e_max, e_min, n_b, n_d, A_do, z_max, c_z, c_e, phi_cv, nu, g_degr, c_dr, c_kaf, Q_bolt, R_bolt, m_par, F_sed, p_sed)

This command is used to construct a 2-dimensional PM4Sand material.

matTag (int)

integer tag identifying material

D_r (float)

Relative density, in fraction

G_o (float)

Shear modulus constant

h_po (float)

Contraction rate parameter

Den (float)

Mass density of the material

P_atm (float)

Optional, Atmospheric pressure

h_o (float)

Optional, Variable that adjusts the ratio of plastic modulus to elastic modulus

e_max (float)

Optional, Maximum and minimum void ratios

e_min (float)

Optional, Maximum and minimum void ratios

n_b (float)

Optional, Bounding surface parameter, \(n_b \ge 0\)

n_d (float)

Optional, Dilatancy surface parameter \(n_d \ge 0\)

A_do (float)

Optional, Dilatancy parameter, will be computed at the time of initialization if input value is negative

z_max (float)

Optional, Fabric-dilatancy tensor parameter

c_z (float)

Optional, Fabric-dilatancy tensor parameter

c_e (float)

Optional, Variable that adjusts the rate of strain accumulation in cyclic loading

phi_cv (float)

Optional, Critical state effective friction angle

nu (float)

Optional, Poisson’s ratio

g_degr (float)

Optional, Variable that adjusts degradation of elastic modulus with accumulation of fabric

c_dr (float)

Optional, Variable that controls the rotated dilatancy surface

c_kaf (float)

Optional, Variable that controls the effect that sustained static shear stresses have on plastic modulus

Q_bolt (float)

Optional, Critical state line parameter

R_bolt (float)

Optional, Critical state line parameter

m_par (float)

Optional, Yield surface constant (radius of yield surface in stress ratio space)

F_sed (float)

Optional, Variable that controls the minimum value the reduction factor of the elastic moduli can get during reconsolidation

p_sed (float)

Optional, Mean effective stress up to which reconsolidation strains are enhanced

The material formulations for the PM4Sand object are:

  • 'PlaneStrain'

See als here


R.W.Boulanger, K.Ziotopoulou. “PM4Sand(Version 3.1): A Sand Plasticity Model for Earthquake Engineering Applications”. Report No. UCD/CGM-17/01 2017