8.1.6. background meshΒΆ

mesh('bg', basicsize, *lower, *upper, '-tol', tol, '-meshtol', meshtol, '-wave', wavefilename, numl, *locations, '-numsub', numsub, '-structure', id, numnodes, *snodes, '-largeSize', level, *llower, *lupper)

Create a background mesh.

basicsize (float)

basic mesh size

lower (list (float))

a list of coordinates of the lower point of the background region.

upper (list (float))

a list of coordinates of the uuper point of the background region.

tol (float)

tolerance for intri check. (optional, default 1e-10)

meshtol (float)

tolerance for cell boundary check. (optional, default 0.1)

wavefilename (str)

a filename to record wave heights and velocities (optional)

numl (int)

number of locations to record wave (optional)

locations (list (float))

coordinates of the locations (optional)

id (int)

structural id used to identify FSI and SSI (solid-solid-interaction)

  • id = 0 : ignore the structure

  • id > 0 : both FSI and SSI

  • id < 0 : only SSI

numsnodes (int)

number of structural nodes (optional)

sNodes (list (int))

a list of structural nodes (optional)

level (int)

some regions can have larger mesh size with larger level. level = 1 means same as basic mesh size.

llower (list (float))

a list of coordinates of the lower point of the region with larger mesh size (optional)

lupper (list (float))

a list of coordinates of the upper point of the region with larger mesh size(optional)