4.13.12. HingeMidpointΒΆ

beamIntegration('HingeMidpoint', tag, secI, lpI, secJ, lpJ, secE)

Create a HingeMidpoint beamIntegration object. Midpoint integration over each hinge region is the most accurate one-point integration rule; however, it does not place integration points at the element ends and there is a small integration error for linear curvature distributions along the element.

tag (int)

tag of the beam integration.

secI (int)

A previous-defined section object for hinge at I.

lpI (float)

The plastic hinge length at I.

secJ (int)

A previous-defined section object for hinge at J.

lpJ (float)

The plastic hinge length at J.

secE (int)

A previous-defined section object for the element interior.

The plastic hinge length at end I (J) is equal to lpI (lpJ) and the associated force deformation response is defined by the secI (secJ). The force deformation response of the element interior is defined by the secE. Typically, the interior section is linear-elastic, but this is not necessary.

lpI = 0.1
lpJ = 0.2