
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete06', matTag, fc, e0, n, k, alpha1, fcr, ecr, b, alpha2)

This command is used to construct a uniaxial concrete material object with tensile strength, nonlinear tension stiffening and compressive behavior based on Thorenfeldt curve.

matTag (int)

integer tag identifying material

fc (float)

concrete compressive strength (compression is negative)

e0 (float)

strain at compressive strength

n (float)

compressive shape factor

k (float)

post-peak compressive shape factor

alpha1 (float)

\(\alpha_1\) parameter for compressive plastic strain definition

fcr (float)

tensile strength

ecr (float)

tensile strain at peak stress (fcr)

b (float)

exponent of the tension stiffening curve

alpha2 (float)

\(\alpha_2\) parameter for tensile plastic strain definition


  1. Compressive concrete parameters should be input as negative values.

See also
